Our Story

Over twenty years ago we both had the opportunity to attend a youth leadership program as rising seniors in high school. At the time we could have never known, that as 17-year-old students, this one-week leadership program would have a lifelong impact on our future trajectory. We both remained involved with the leadership program for many years and began careers in education. In 2016 we crossed paths at an education conference in Memphis and had an instant connection. That following summer we began facilitating together at conferences and youth leadership events. Since 2016 we have honed our skills as professional facilitators, done deep dives into the world of psychometric assessments, and developed a joint passion for helping leaders grow deeper insights into how their behavioral styles impact their leadership journey. As friends and colleagues, we have personally seen the benefits of collaborating with someone who creates a balanced partnership through differing behavioral strengths. We are eager to share our passion for leadership development, and enthusiasm for nerding out about data, and look forward to building a community of introspective growth-oriented leaders.

Our Team

Lauren Marold, Chief Ideator

Lauren Marold is the Chief Ideator at Insight Learning Lab and a DISC Certified facilitator. She is a Dallas native with over sixteen years of experience in the classroom and administration in K-12 education. Lauren has a Master of Arts in Educational Technology Leadership from The George Washington University and a Master of Liberal Studies from Southern Methodist University. She has spent her career in educational technology leadership, where she has focused on design thinking practices and innovative pedagogical practices for both young and adult learners, and She has had the opportunity to work with many different organizations in leadership, mentorship, and program development roles. Lauren loves collaborating, strategizing, and developing big ideas around behavioral data and how it can influence a person’s understanding of who they are and their potential for leadership growth. Her many years of working with emerging leaders have led to this exciting collaboration, the Insight Learning Lab.

Megan Hanna, Chief Data Nerd

Megan Hanna is the Chief Data Nerd at Insight Learning Lab. She is also a Dallas native with over fifteen years of experience in various aspects of education. Megan has a Master of Education in Secondary Education with a math emphasis from Texas A&M Commerce. Her love for data started with a love for math, which also helped to begin her career in education as a math teacher. Since then, she has used her love for learning and data to expand her leadership into many other areas of education including educational technology and curriculum development, where she focuses on partnering with teachers and administrators to develop highly engaging, data-informed, instructional practices and processes that support all learners. Megan has had the opportunity to engage in leadership development, mentorship, and content creation in many different arenas and loves any chance to put her leadership skills to use!  Of all of the areas she has explored, the development of emerging leaders is her most cherished investment, which she is thankful to get to live out through the Insight Learning Lab!